Atopic Dermatitis

Treatment (Case report)


There are various causes of atopic dermatitis. An effective treatment has not yet been developed, but it is essential that the patient not scratch the affected area. It is my opinion that the treatment should vary depending on the individual patient. I would like to describe below some case reports about the treatment of persistent atopic red face.


Case 1: male/age 35.Noticing that his facial skin was reddish and thickened, I instructed him to stop using the steroid ointment that he had been using. Rebound phenomenon lasted for about one month after he stopped. I tried various kinds of non-corticosteroid ointment, but his condition did not change. One day when he applied Bon-alpha (tacalcitoil) ointment by chance, the redness of his face decreased dramatically. Eruptions on his body and many clinical features also disappeared. When I asked him about the aggravating factors of his atopic dermatitis, I found that he was experiencing a lot of stress due to mental troubles. He later got a divorce and became more mentally stable. His atopic dermatitis has not recurred.


Case 2: high school girl/age 16.She had been applying steroid ointment to her face as prescribed by another doctor. When she stopped using it, the redness of her face got worse. Seeing her reluctance to go to school, I prescribed an internal remedy of corticosteroid and expected the symptoms to diminish. I advised her to apply Hirudoid-soft (similar to a heparin substance) cream to her face, and the redness of her face gradually improved. The itching also disappeared. When I questioned her about the aggravating factors, she answered that her lifestyle had been irregular, including staying up late at night and eating a lot of junk food. I spent a lot of time explaining her present condition and suggested a treatment for the disease. There was improvement in this case after applying only Hiludoid-soft cream.


Case 3: male/age27.He had been seeing a doctor about his dermatitis since high school, and his dermal symptoms became worse after he entered the university. When I questioned him about the cause of his atopic dermatitis, he speculated that it was probably caused by his irregular lifestyle and unbalanced diet. After graduation, he came back to his hometown without a permanent job. I observed that his dermal condition improved when he was working part-time and mentally stable, and got worse when he was unemployed or feeling irritated. His face was red and there were a lot of exudates and scratches. I advised him to sterilize his face with Isodine liquid (povidone iodine) and instructed him to apply antibiotic ointment. Subsequently, the reddening in his face decreased, and the exudates cleared up. His face is almost back to normal now, but some dermal symptoms on his body still remain.


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